Why get an attractive cover art? Whether you're on an audio or video platform, you see the artwork cover before even hearing anything. A unique cover is essential for your song's unique image. Imagine having an incredible song with tons of potential, and it getting lost in the congested crowd of songs from other artists. It is essential to design something that will grab the viewers / listeners attention immediately. People only have a brief window of opportunity to develop an emotional bond with your work. Your cover art matters a majority of the time. No clicks means no streams. Don't let your rankings and reviews slip away by not having a unique, great cover piece.
A strong visual identity needs to be created more than ever now. It provides musicians the chance to build distinctive worlds for their audiences. Additionally, it may assist the musicians to get noticed by influential business players. Like record labels, who on the daily go through tens and thousands of different music entires. At the end of the day, you want a healthy career and reach, so why take the chance of using cheap and unattractive cover art costing you your reach. You will attract more users, and will be more visible in people's feeds. Covers make a huge difference to your results, and it makes you look like an expert.
Below you will see a collection of cover artwork that I've created over the years. There are animated motion cover art pieces, still cover artwork, and promotional pieces that went along with some of the motion covers. With these covers, there are a variety of single, album, mixtape, and EP cover pieces. You will also see a few podcast cover art pieces as well.
Motion Cover Art Design
Cover Art Design
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