For My Humidor - Tobacco Print & Digital Ads
These full page tobacco ads were used throughout a variety of tobacco magazines. Cigar & Spirit, Cigar Aficionado, Cigar Journal, Cigar Snob, and Tobacco Business. These ads highlighted partnerships with tobacco companies and their owners, and was a huge part of Boveda's "For My Humidor" campaign.
This collection of digital ads were also used to highlight partnerships, and were also another crucial apart of the "For My Humidor" campaign. Utilizing animated GIFs to draw the viewers attention in with movement, as well as using call-to-actions like "Try Now" to direct the viewers to our website and products.
UnBoxed Live - YouTube Branding
Here some logo concepts that started the UnBoxed Live journey, as well as some of the backgrounds that were used. Logo's two and three were both used. Two being the primary and three being the secondary.
Boveda had a very strong and successful presence within the podcast and YouTube video spaces. This was a very important part of their brand and values. Showing how they connected with each of their customers, partners, product users, and supporters. While also educating their viewers with high quality consistent content. It was extremely important for their company to maintain this presence once the pandemic had hit as well. 
I also really enjoyed having the opportunity to showcase and utilize my animation / motion graphics skills to create a simple, eye catching logo introduction, as well as a templated lower thirds piece.
Tobacco YouTube Videos - Infographic Animations
Boveda has a very strong presence on YouTube, and utilizes this platform to educate their viewers as well. I again really enjoyed using my knowledge with animation and motion graphics to support their vision. By creating impactful infographic animated visuals overlaying their video recordings. This was a great experience to work along side with their videographer to get the best end result for their viewers. 
These illustrated and animated overlaying infographics were extremely important to be interpreted correctly and quickly from their viewers, and to also support what was being said in that particular educational video.
T-Shirts ReDesigns
For this project I was tasked with redesigning their outdated shirts that were given to partners, customers, and also widely used by the Boveda team at trade shows. One of the redesigns was used for their "Box Press" YouTube podcast, and the other was used with their "For My Humidor" campaign. 
Here you can see the creative process I went through to develop each of these shirt concepts. Each of these were presented and reviewed by the president and CEO. I had a great time getting creative with this project, and implementing some very unique aesthetics to these shirts to have a much more stylish feel. And to also represent the Boveda brand in a new fun way that highlights their core branding aesthetics used throughout the brand.
I have always had such a passion and interest in clothing and fashion, and thought with this redesign project that I could really showcase those interests. Companies that partner along with Boveda use our sticker seal on their products packaging, so I thought using that element as a tag on the shirt was an excellent addition.
Amazon Illustrated Info-Graphics 
These were boxes that I created because the Boveda brand was looking to move past the black cardboard boxes that they had been using for so long. We wanted to expand our new logos and branding on the outside of these boxes to show our message to bulk purchases to B2B companies and clients. 
Podcast Social Media Snippets
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