1984 Book Sleeve Design
Nineteen Eighty-Four is a dystopian novel published in 1949 by English author George Orwell. The novel is set in Airstrip One, formerly Great Britain, a province of the superstate Oceania, whose residents are victims of perpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance, and public manipulation. As literary political fiction and dystopian science-fiction, Nineteen Eighty-Four is a classic novel in content, plot, and style.
My inspiration for the book jacket sleeve came from the American contemporary street artist, graphic designer, activist, illustrator, and founder of Obey Clothing, Shepard Fairey. He has always been open about controversial social and political topics and often donates and creates artwork in order to promote awareness of these social issues and contributes directly to these causes.
National Geographic Editorial Illustrations
These illustrations were designed for an article that discussed addiction problems in National Geographic Magazine. My challenge was to create two cohesive illustrations that successfully visually communicated the struggle of addiction, and how the illustration related to that specific individual's story and experience. 
Typographic Poster
The challenge for this project was to create two cohesive posters for the Optima typeface, using only the Optima family. The concept behind my posters was to have a 1950's album cover feel to match when this typeface had been created in 1952. At this time in the 50's Frank Sinatra was a world known musician that was producing songs that would last forever. Music and album cover art are a huge passion and inspiration of mine, so I wanted to highlight some of the main features and attributes seen in Frank's album covers from the 50's within the poster design. From the list of songs, to an iconic illustration of Frank, and the redesigned record label logos, every aspect of the poster was created with the appropriate typeface from the Optima family.
Modern Zine
This 2000's inspired modern zine project was a very fun piece to put all together. Growing up I was always fascinated by the fold out song list, and artwork booklet within CD cases. I thought those extra images, details, graphics, and information added so much to the album itself. 
For my zine I used that fold out area within three different CD cases to place each part of my zine. My zine was about all of my favorite, and most listened, musicians from that year. Each CD case also included a CD that contained the top 14 songs that I listened to as well. Once all three of the zine CD sleeves were unfolded, they could be used as a two-sided poster by combining all three pieces.
North Music Fest
For this project my challenge was to develop a brand identity along with a website for a music festival in Mankato, Minnesota. The festival is called North Music Fest. The color scheme chosen for this festival is based on the bright, beautiful, neon lights seen within the northern lights. I wanted to embrace the attributes of the website and brand with the true culture and vibe of the northern states, and Minnesota. 
I created this video as a promotional piece to highlight the atmosphere and live music aspect of North Music Fest. I wanted to highlight transportation and housing options, as well as some of the headlining artists that will performing. I really wanted to give the true festival introduction tease and vibe all while staying true to the color scheme and theme of the festival.
Mood-board & Logo Concept Sketches
Logo Explorations & Brand Identity
Website & Phone App Mockups, Branded Festival Merchandise & Booth Tents
King Leo Clothing & Apparel Promo Animation
My first challenge with this project was to create a logo and brand. I chose to do a clothing and apparel brand, and created this King Leo lion head logo. My second challenge was animating the logo in a way that highlighted the brand, and truly represent that streetwear feel.​​​​​​​
Pulp Fiction Title Sequence
My challenge for this project was to recreate the title sequence for a movie of our choosing. I chose one of my favorite movies, Pulp Fiction. I have a passion for detailed cartoon illustrations and thought the intro to this particular movie would be represented perfectly through this theme. I wanted to capture the significance of the main characters and highlight an important scene from the movie. 
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