For this passion project I did a brand refresh for the gym, Build N' Tone, located in Mankato, Minnesota. This was a gym that I went to while going to school, and through out my time living there I knew there was a great opportunity to revamp this companies branding and identity. ​​​​​​​
I created this video as a piece that would play on the TV's inside of the gym to help motivate their members. This video would also be on their website and social media pages. 
Unlike some of the bigger gyms in town, Build N' Tone prided themselves on community values. They wanted to support everybody and anybody to help become a better version of themselves. 
Through my logo explorations I came to the conclusion that a more inviting, unclassified, and not just promoting extreme strength logo was the perfect fit.
These mood boards that I created allowed me to develop a strong brand identity and understanding for their company and also their members. These textures, typefaces, color schemes, and patterns would be seen through out their promotion flyers and posters, social media ads, and the interior design of their gym. 
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